About us


LIGA is: The purpose of the International League of-sales representatives and agents to defend the freedom and healthy development of international trade, to protect and promote the common interests of commercial agents in all countries and to strengthen the position of commercial agents as independent contractors. The composition of the league consists of national associations of independent commercial agents (representatives of producers) throughout the European Union and the United States of America. The reaction today to the constant pressure for greater profits and faster accumulation of social capital is caused by the fact that more and more companies are recognizing the outsourcing of sales in the areas through commercial agents as the most effective and economical marketing of their products. The company offers a business professional, skilled and adaptable sales force. A growing number of large and small companies has come to understand the quality of commercial agents, not only as a sales force, but as professionals with valuable skills and experience. The agency business is therefore a long term solution for manufacturers and suppliers to market their products in countries around the world while keeping costs low and the standardization of business sales agency. Commercial agencies are independent professional providers of sales and marketing services to manufacturers or suppliers. Normally, operating a portfolio of product lines related but not competitive, working under a contractual agreement in a defined geographic territory on an exclusive basis. In fact, the commercial agency firms are manufacturers 'sales staff' in the territory paid on a commission basis and as such are the cheapest way to reach the channel market. Through Agents-Representatives of the International League of Commerce, represented the interests of many individual companies commercial agency. These companies generate sales agency a turnover of approximately € 2.000,00 billion euros across Europe and America. La Liga is a federation of organizations in the field of guarantees of commercial agents. The Association protects the interests of members in respect of public authorities and other institutions, nationally and internationally. The International Association is divided into several sections, each of which provides specific interest within the field of the States concerned. The League offers its members an attractive package of administrative services, fiscal and legal support for contracts and model a newsletter called "The Voice" with professional information. The relationship between members requires the approval and requires a good reputation, professional competence and a solid economic base for future members. In addition to basic services for members with the advice of advice, information, offers discount agency, a spokesman for the Liga is now recognized in all business issues and is invited to express the opinion of commercial agents in all matters of Government on commercial agency. From the beginning the League was in close contact with different organizations. The contacts with the Chambers of Commerce are important for all members of the Liga and in many cases was able to mediate the agencies for its members. The information is regularly provided to all members and the legal issues Assoagenti have a competent service at his disposal.







Austria España Italia
Verband Reisender Kaufleute Osterreichs 
Rechte Wienzeile 29
A-1040 Wien – Vienna 
Tel. 43 1 587 72 63 
Fax. 43 1 587 72 63-4 
E-mail: vrkoe@aon.at 
Internet: www.vrkoe.at
Consejo General de los 
Colegios de Agentes Commerciales de Espana 
Calle Goya 55 E-28001 Madrid
Tel. 34-91-4363 650 
Fax. 34-91-5770 084 
E-mail: consejo@cgac.es
Internet: www.cgac.es
Via Vitruvio, 43 I-20124 Milano
Tel. 39 02 890 773 22 
Fax.39 05 235 795 46
E-mail: info@assoagenti.it
Internet: www.assoagenti.it