

Welcome to the LIGA website! You can now visit the site in 5 languages, and find out about the LIGA News, Sectors and Groups, Countries, Issues, Events, and Links. We also now invite you visitors to send us your news via the website! On behalf of all League Commercial Agents and welcome to the website of the Commercial Agency. We are constantly improving the quality of commercial agents who provide services to businesses. This website, is directed primarily to groups of dealers, but is also open to Employers and institutions must be sample-breakthrough and a bridge linking the Commercial Agents with the Company. We try to make this website to be close and the motor of economic development of society, committed to provide services to all commercial agents in an interactive way through it. New forms of communication are taking the pace of everyday life, and they are establishing in our lives to make it easier. Information technologies make it possible every time, plus the Commercial Agents communicate through this magnificent instrument is the network of networks called the Internet. From these pages you can clearly see what is the future of our licensing, trying to give them all the tools to facilitate the work of commercial agents. On the other hand, try to give a thorough knowledge, explaining who we are the Commercial Agents and publicizing our collegial organization. We hope that society can gain a better understanding of our profession and the economic role played by the Sales Agent in the development of the country's economy. From this website, you can access everything related to the profession of agent. You have in your hand offers representation to its territory are available at the time. We welcome all proposals and suggestions that make us reach, helping to improve the content we now have. We try to provide solutions, and hope does not disappoint, and that the completion of this project is to your liking and very useful. Thank you very much for your visit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of the International League of Agents-Representatives of Commerce is to support freedom and healthy development of international trade, to protect and promote the common interests of commercial agents in all countries and to strengthen the position of commercial agents as independent contractors . For nearly 100 years, Liga fought for commercial agents through its activities and campaigns, its regional structure, its association with other international organizations and its work on priority issues. LIGA is an officially recognized non-governmental - NGO - for commercial agents within the International Labour Organisation and has accreditation with THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE WORLD.







Austria España Italia
Verband Reisender Kaufleute Osterreichs 
Rechte Wienzeile 29
A-1040 Wien – Vienna 
Tel. 43 1 587 72 63 
Fax. 43 1 587 72 63-4 
E-mail: vrkoe@aon.at 
Internet: www.vrkoe.at
Consejo General de los 
Colegios de Agentes Commerciales de Espana 
Calle Goya 55 E-28001 Madrid
Tel. 34-91-4363 650 
Fax. 34-91-5770 084 
E-mail: consejo@cgac.es
Internet: www.cgac.es
Via Vitruvio, 43 I-20124 Milano
Tel. 39 02 890 773 22 
Fax.39 05 235 795 46
E-mail: info@assoagenti.it
Internet: www.assoagenti.it